Signed in as:
Signed in as:
February 16, 2025
We are here. We are so pleased to have this time with you. We want to remind you that your worry is unnecessary, especially when your worry is about others. The most compassionate thing you can ever do is to hold a vision of love for all that you worry about. It is time to turn the emotion of worry into a state of upliftment. Just as all other negative emotions, this habit of worry is just that - a habit. A habit that can be changed or morphed into a new one.
There is no need to figure out negative emotions - where they began, why they began, or even why they may seem apropos at any given time.
There is never a reason to step out of this present moment. When you're truly in the now moment and you're focusing on love for yourself, for others, for animals, and for the planet, you are contributing to the progression and expansion and well-being for all.
Never judge yourself for worrying. Just simply catch yourself and bring yourself back into the reality of this moment and hold the vision of love for every situation. Even if others are worried or discussing or trying to help, you can go within your heart and send love and peace and wisdom to them.
You know the truth. You know the truth or else you wouldn't be receiving this message. Even if this “knowing” is new to you, it is resonating because you are beginning to remember the truth of how all of this works.
There is nothing to worry about. Worry and all negative emotions will never serve you, nor will they ever help another.
Now we understand that you need to associate with other humans that have not yet remembered all of this. And we recognize it is not appropriate to go around telling the others that there's nothing to worry about. We can see how that may not be well received in most scenarios on your planet. That is why this realization can seem very private to each individual. That is OK. You only need to answer to yourself. You only need to feel good for you. And the only one responsible for your joy, your well-being and your situation is you.
So, we ask that you be easy on yourself. Go within as often as possible and view everything through the eyes of infinite intelligence and see that there is only love. Love is truly all there is, and it is all unfolding perfectly.
Relax, send love and don't worry.
We love you; we love you; we love you.
Enough (for now)
January 4, 2025
We are here. We are always right here. We say it every time we begin our visit - but this time we want you to really hear it. We - are - here. We are always here with you. There is nothing you could possibly do to sever our bond with you. We want this notion to bring you a feeling of security, ease, flow and confidence.
A feeling of security. Not from an any outside source that threatens to harm you. You need not ever worry about that. But a sense of security that you'll never misstep, you're always where you're supposed to be, and everything is unfolding perfectly.
A feeling of ease. When you begin to realize and truly understand and trust the notion that you're never alone, you will automatically begin to see things from a higher perspective. And once this shift happens, you'll begin to notice that everything is easier. You'll be attracting all of the perfect people, circumstances, and opportunities to you. There will be no more chasing because your team behind the scenes is on the job on your behalf.
And this new sense of flow you feel is simply that……you're now in the flow. You're following the energy and letting our guidance light your path. You no longer feel the need to push against anything. You're not frantically trying to swim against the current, you're floating and trusting that together you will be exactly where you're meant to be. You fight for nothing because you're in the flow of the beautiful, loving energy and frequency of the Universe.
And finally, confidence,the last piece of the puzzle. When you live your life with the conscious awareness that we are here with you, and you begin to see all of the winks, glimpses, and signs we give you each day - when life begins to blossom with love, joy, abundance, and well-being, you cannot help but be confident. This confidence doesn't come from a place of boasting or arrogance or ego or self-promotion. No, this is the type of confidence that attracts everyone because you are glowing with the love and the light that together we are. You cannot help but be loving, generous and uplifting. Your confidence in your ability to remain in a joyful state no matter what is happening around you will be contagious.
People will be drawn to you and wonder what makes you so happy. And when you’re ready you can explain that you are never alone. You are connected to Source Energy (and so is everyone else).
You'll never need to teach this. You'll simply lead by example as you continue on your glorious journey filled with security, ease, flow and confidence that this connection brings. We are always here.
We love you; we love you; we love you.
Enough (for now)
December 9, 2024
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you today. We are here to remind you that there is guidance for you. There are always multiple paths for you that will allow you to arrive at your most remarkable destination.
We never want you to feel as if you're doing something wrong in those times when the path seems unclear. You are never doing anything wrong – you are simply looking for the path at the wrong time. Your options will feel very limited and hazy when you are desperate for answers. We know that sounds counterintuitive. As humans you help each other and oblige when others are in a desperate state, but we do not respond in the same way. You see, your dilemmas and problems are not in the same vibration as your solutions (and solutions are always available to you). You must simply get in the same frequency or the same vibration as the solution.
How do you do that?
First of all, you must understand that you're worthy of every single one of your desires. You are supposed to feel prosperous, healthy, happy, loved, joyful, and vibrant. Anything less than that will never do.
Once you know your worth, you must begin to feel into your abundance. Be grateful and appreciate all of the little things. Enjoy the moments that make you happy. And the more you live in the happy moments, the more you'll begin to notice new ideas, new opportunities, new connections and relationships that will bring the answers you're looking for. In fact, eventually you'll get so good at it the answers will begin to come into your experience before the so-called problems will. So, you can say it was never actually a problem.
When you're in a high vibration, you're in alignment with Source, and when you're in alignment it is easy for you to see your path clearly. But when you're in a lower vibration you’re actually obstructing our connection, and answers don't flow quite as easily. The best thing you can do to keep this stream of well-being, connection and guidance open is to maintain a high vibration through joy and appreciation. Everything is waiting for you. There are no tests to pass, no hurdles to conquer, and nothing in your past to figure out. You're here NOW. Simply focus on the good feeling thoughts and allow your vibration to rise and from that place when you get an inclination to do something, do it. Let all of your actions be inspired actions and you'll never be confused about the path forward.
We love you; we love you; we love you.
Enough (for now)
November 6, 2024
We are here. Oh, sweet human, we have so much to say.
We want to assure you that all is well. Everything is unfolding perfectly for the highest and best good of all. We encourage you to slow down and look within. Does it make sense logically that anyone or any situation has power over another? Of course not.
There is a great shift happening on your planet and this is exactly what you came here to experience. You are not here to judge, you are not here to fret or worry, and you are not here to entangle. You are here to ascend out of this mentality of lack and separation. You are here to witness and lead the others to a place of joy, ease, freedom, love and abundance.
This marvelous place is not some magical mystical island. No, this is a mindset. And when you're in this mindset, your world looks completely different than everyone else’s. In this world, there is no fighting, no pushing against, no worry, no lack. There is only peace, joy, love, abundance, and ease. When you live in this new world, everything flows easily - you have clarity - there is grace and love. Some will never understand this, but you do because you inherently know that there is more to life than what most humans are currently living. You're beginning to remember that you are pure love and you're able to raise your vibration to match the truth of who you really are.
The Great shift, (some call it the great awakening) is well underway and you're a part of it, but it's up to you to decide which place you'll choose to live in. You can choose to live in peace on earth, where there is pure love and no judgment, or you can live in a mindset where there's struggle, stress, lack, and uneasiness. The beauty and perfection of all of it, is that you get to choose at any time. And of course, there is never any judgment from our side. This offer will never go away, and you can step in whenever you are ready.
The world looks to many as if it's becoming more and more divided. But it's simply because many have asked for undeniable signs and proof that there is a place like this. Some humans need to be almost pushed out of their current situation in order to remember the truth of who they really are, (which is pure love).
So please remember that the only being who has the power you're looking for is YOU. You have the ability to remember the truth at any minute.
Take time every day to tap into your power - go within and feel for us. Do not entangle in situations that will cause you to feel anything less than joy and love.
We understand that in this time it is easy to pick sides and feel like you have to choose. But we promise that you don't. This time is for YOU. It is for you to witness so you'll remember who you truly are.
No person, no set of circumstances or events have any power over you. You are always in control of your feelings, thoughts, and actions. You can trust in you. You are the one with the ability to choose positivity, love, grace and ease.
You got this.
We love you; we love you; we love you.
Enough (for now)
August 5, 2024
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you. Today we ask that you slow down, relax, and enjoy this day – enjoy every single day. There's nothing that needs your immediate attention right now.
When you begin to enjoy each day and you're able to stay present in every moment, you'll begin to see the beauty that surrounds you. You'll also begin to notice that there's a lot of wonderful stuff happening. There are so many happy people, people that are happy to see you, and excited to spend time with you.
Your perception is everything. If you perceive things to be easy, joyful, loving, and exciting, that is what you'll begin to encounter.
But when people perceive a negative world, a world that's out to get them, a world that is out of control and spreads fear, that is also indeed, what they'll experience.
There is no right or wrong, and there's never any judgment from our side, but we just want you to understand the truth of what's really going on. The truth is, there are people that are in alignment with the truth of who they really are (pure love) and they're living a wonderful experience because this stream of well-being is flowing freely to them and through them. But there are also the others that don't remember the truth of who they really are (pure love) and they are obstructing the well-being that is flowing to them. These folks are experiencing negativity and have a lot of resistance on their path.
Again, there's no judgment from us. We just want you to understand the difference between people that are in alignment and out of alignment. The difference may look astonishing, but everyone has the free will to remember the truth and retain a high vibration and remain in alignment.
There is only love - and knowing that should bring enough peace and ease to raise your vibration.
Peace, ease, joy, love, abundance, freedom, and vitality are all signs and benefits of alignment. And every single person on your planet has the choice to raise their vibration and come into alignment with the truth of who they really are (pure love).
We are so happy that you're beginning to understand this and you're taking the steps each day to keep your vibration high.
More to come later.
We love you; we love you; we love you.
Enough (for now)
July 10, 2024
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you. Today we are ready for some fun. Let's dance. Let's sing. Let's laugh. Let's jump around. Let's eat the yummy stuff. Let's gather with friends and family and enjoy the fun. Let's clink glasses. Let's relax under the sun and walk under the light of the moon. It's time now. It's time to release old thoughts, old desires, old expectations, and old habits. The slate is clean. You're cleared for take off.
It's the perfect time to enjoy how far you've come and enjoy the knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly. No more pressure, no more worries, no more dread, and no more fear. There is only love. Look through our eyes and from our perspective - it's all perfect. From where we stand, nothing is going wrong, nothing is broken, and nothing needs fixing. It's all perfect.
When you can proceed through your day, whether you're driving in your car, walking down the street, taking public transportation, or sitting still just looking out your window; and you begin to see each person, each car, each incident with love, (and we mean absolute pure love with NO JUDGEMENT) your entire existence will shift.
We understand that this is not an easy task, and it certainly won't happen overnight. But if you start each day this way and you continue to practice, you will soon see those around you will change. They will either begin to morph into the love you see them as, or they will be removed from your experience entirely.
We know it's very easy and almost instinctual to react with the world around you. It's easier to complain when others are complaining. It's easier to fit in when you just go along with the crowd. But take a good hard look at that crowd you're fitting in with. Are they happy? Are they prosperous? Are they thriving? Are they in love with their life? If not, there's no reason to try to fit in with this crowd.
You know too much now. And you know, there's more to life than working hard, struggling, complaining, worrying, only to take a two-week vacation that you may or may not enjoy.
You inherently know you are meant for more. You came forth into this incredible human body to prosper, to shine, to thrive, and to lead by example. You are no different from any other person on your planet except for the fact that YOU REMEMBER. You remember that you're meant for more.
There's no need to talk about it, no need to try to convince anyone of the life changes you're going to make - you just need to do it. Each morning as you start your day, say thank you in advance for the opportunity to love everyone and everything. Say thank you for the knowledge and the ability to create the life of your dreams. And day by day, as your vibration rises and life gets easier, don't be surprised if people start asking you what you're doing differently. Why are you so lucky all of a sudden? And you can simply say that you're seeing the world through the eyes of the Universe, or Source or God or whatever you choose to call us. It's a beautiful sight from this perspective.
Slowly but surely, those around you will follow your lead.
It's not your job to change anyone. Never worry about another person's journey. Just send them love each day and tell them that everything they'll ever need is right inside them.
Yes, it truly is that simple.
We love you. We love you. We love you.
Enough (for now)
May 18, 2024
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you on this magnificent day. Why is this day magnificent? It is magnificent because you claim it is - just as any day is what you claim it to be.
There is so much beauty and love surrounding you at all times, not just when you're happy and when you feel things are going well. There is always love enveloping you.
We ask that you slow down and relax as you begin to feel for us. When you take the time to deliberately feel for the love we shower upon you, it causes you to focus, which will help you to become one with us. The love flowing to you is always within reach. No matter what is happening around you, our love is always here.
Some may ask why they cannot feel our outpouring of adoration. And to that we say, only YOU have the power to obstruct it. It's not a matter of allowing it in, it's simply a matter of not saying those words, thinking those thoughts, or feeling those feelings that obstruct it.
Please know you're not doing anything wrong and there's never any judgment from our side. We just want you to live the life you intended to live when you came forth into your physical body. You knew that life was supposed to be fun it's supposed to be easy, and it's supposed to feel good. You inherently know this and that's why you are receiving this reminder once again.
We don't tell you these things to make you feel a sense of lack. We tell you this to assure you that when you get that feeling that there may be more to life than this, that you're meant to be happy, that you're meant to feel fulfilled, and you are meant to live a wonderful life, you're right! That is exactly what we see for you and that is exactly what is intended for you.
The reason it feels so bad to not have it is because you are not in alignment with the truth of who you really are. We see it one way and you're not in alignment with that vision (and that never feels good).
So, you can be sure when something doesn't feel good, it's simply because it's not the truth. The truth is, life is meant to be joyful, loving, and easy, and anything less than that doesn't feel good.
If you take a minute to let that soak in, you'll see that you've just discovered a new guidance system for your life. Aim for feeling good and when you're a little off, know that it's OK. Remind yourself that you’re out of alignment and get yourself back in with new thoughts and feelings. You now have a built in GPS to tell you whether or not you're headed in the right direction. Every emotion you feel will help you determine whether or not you're in alignment.
As you move forward and begin to understand the simplicity of all of this, you'll soon see that life will become much easier to navigate.
We will remind you again that we are always here guiding you and loving you. To feel it, all you must do is follow the joy.
Be easy on yourself and don't overthink it.
We love you; we love you; we love you.
Enough (for now)
April 8, 2024
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you on this monumental day. An eclipse can appear to be very mysterious, very magical, and very spiritual. But what you are in fact observing is the proof that this beautiful universe is always in perfect harmony, perfect balance, perfect rhythm, and in perfect alignment. This is a glorious representation of all humankind, but it’s especially a representation of YOU. Yes, if you are receiving this message - this is for you.
The pure perfection that created the universe also created you. Your human body works with such precision and elegance just as your solar system does. Your human experience can also, at times appear to be mysterious, magical, and spiritual. Every cell in your body has the same power, perfection, and balance as this eclipse.
Yes, indeed, this is a monumental occurrence to be studied, celebrated, and documented. But from our perspective, it's simply another wink, another gift, and another reminder for you that all is well and there is precision and elegance unfolding for you every single day.
We want you to celebrate, observe, and enjoy today's spectacular show, but we also want you to do it again tomorrow. Appreciate the perfection and the unfolding in every day.
Let this special occasion be the shift you need to lock your trust into place. Let the remarkable spectacle of the eclipse be further proof that you can wholeheartedly trust the power of the Universe. We are here and we are always going to be here in the perfect balance with you, just as your solar system is always in perfect balance.
We love you. We love you. We love you.
Enough (for now)
March 18, 2024
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you today. We love to see you in your moments of happiness and bliss. You have the ability to live in a place where your dominant emotion is joy. In fact, you came forth into your physical body with the intention of living this way. You never meant to forget the truth of who you truly are, (which is pure love).
Yes, you came forth to experience joy, experience freedom, and to create expansion. This is why you feel so elated when things are going well and upset when things seem to be going against you. It’s because you inherently know you're supposed to experience your highest vibration every day.
We understand how easy it was to forget your initial intention. It can be very easy for humans to notice what's going on around them and assume that this is their reality. But it is possible for you to make a conscious decision to remain in alignment. It is always your choice whether or not to give up your power to something you choose to entangle with.
Do you realize it's possible to hold yourself in alignment even when others around you are in a lower vibration? It is not only possible, but that's how it's supposed to work. There is never any need to entangle with people, with situations, or with experiences that do not feel good. In fact, the mere fact that something doesn't feel good is your built-in indicator that you're headed in the wrong direction. When something doesn't feel good, you must recognize it and immediately remember to step back into your power. You have the power to show compassion and show love without lowering your vibration. You must simply look at the experience through the eyes of Source. From our perspective, there is only love and there is never any judgment. This can indeed become your perspective too. It just takes practice.
You must first decide that absolutely nothing is worth lowering your vibration. Your alignment with source must become top priority. When you’re in alignment, you do not entangle. You feel love and you give grace to those around you, (no matter who they are or what their actions have been). This is non-negotiable - you must stay in your power no matter what. This will take practice and it will not happen overnight. If and when you slip, it's perfectly fine. Judgment for yourself is just as detrimental as judgment for others.
We understand this can sound daunting if you've never tried to live in a higher, more expanded vibration. But we assure you that once you've experienced your daily routine from this level, nothing will ever be the same again. You'll have so much more to give, and your experiences will become so much sweeter.
So, decide to come into your power by letting go of old stories, negative emotion, and judgment. Once you truly let go and discover how powerful you are when you are in alignment with Source, you will see the incredible life you are meant to live, (maybe for the first time ever).
And yes, because you have attracted this message to you, it means you are ready for this expansion.
Be easy on yourself and know that we are always here to help guide you. We are always right here with you.
We love you. We love you. We love you.
Enough (for now)
December 5, 2023
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you today. We would like to remind you to slow down. Slow down and breathe. Slow down and breathe and observe. Slow down and breathe and observe and dream.
This is your time. This is your life. And we don't want you to miss the beauty of your world.
As you slow down, we ask that you take time for yourself. Do a few things each day that bring you joy, little things that may not mean anything to anyone else. Maybe it's your favorite song. Maybe it's your favorite flavor of gum. Maybe it's your favorite view out of your favorite window. Whatever it is, we ask you to do it each day.
As you breathe, we want you to focus on each individual breath. As you inhale, concentrate on the feeling of your expanding diaphragm. And with each breath, allow your lungs to take in more and more oxygen. Picture your healthy cells being nourished by each breath. Notice that there is never a lack of oxygen. You will never use too much, nor will there ever be a time when there's not enough to go around.
As you observe, we ask that you take the time to see how far you've come. See how incredible your life is and all that you have to appreciate. Observe the beauty of the trees. Observe the magic of the season (no matter what season it is). Observe the sky, whether it's cloudy or sunny. Observe the moonlight, and all the magical stars. Observe it all and know that it was created for YOU. Everything is here to delight you.
And as you dream, we ask that you allow your imagination to wander to new depths, new desires, and new ideas. There is no dream that is too big. Your wonderful imagination has not even scratched the surface of all that is available to you. You are deserving of so much more. You are capable of so much more, and if you will begin to trust our words, you will begin to create so much more than you can ever imagine at this given time.
Humans have learned to temper their dreams as a way of protecting themselves from disappointment. If you could only see how many times you've closed the door on a dream that was so close to coming to fruition, please know that you will never miss out on anything that you are ready for. How do you get ready? You must believe that you are worthy and that you are capable of creating it. It is really as simple as that. You just need to get out of your own way and trust that absolutely anything is possible for you.
So simply slow down and breathe and observe and dream - and then dream even bigger. And allow us to do the rest.
We promise we'll take it from here.
We love you. We love you. We love you.
Enough (for now)
October 21, 2023
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you. There is a swirl of confusion around so many humans today. There are people that are actually afraid to be happy, afraid to laugh, afraid to experience joy. They are so wrapped up in the stories of others that they are afraid to show any sense of happiness. Please understand that this way of thinking is backwards. You can never ever ever help someone or be of service to another from a low vibration. When you try to relate or sympathize with another, you are actually taking their vibration lower. When you are sad or unhappy or complaining about something, you will soon attract more things to feel unhappy about - it simply how it works. But when you are able to stay in joy, stay in love and feel appreciation, you are raising the vibration for others that you are focusing upon. Think of this as your superpower.
As you gaze at others from a high vibration and you are able to hold yourself there as you look at other’s situations, you are actually changing the energy around them. From your highest vibration, see them happy, see them healed, see them whole, see them thriving. There are no words necessary - it’s simply energy flowing.
When you let the chaos of others be your excuse to lower your vibration, you are doing a huge disservice to all. There is no story sad enough, no situation dire enough, no person sick enough, for you to sacrifice your joy.
Joy is your superpower. When you're joyful, you have the ability to help every situation, every sad story, and every sick person. We understand that this may sound selfish, it may sound disrespectful, and it may even sound cold or unsympathetic. But the opposite is actually true. There is a huge difference between empathy and compassion. When you are empathetic, you are voluntarily taking on the emotions, the fears, the situations, and the burdens of others. You are actually limiting the chances of them feeling better anytime soon. You are adding to the negative emotions and the Universe will only give them more to feel negative about. And now you've added another layer because you are attracting negativity to yourself. You can see from this perspective how quickly things can become more of a problem.
But when you have compassion, you are actually able to see their pain, see their sorrow, see their illness, and still hold yourself in a high vibration. When you are able to stay at a high vibration, no matter what you're looking at, no matter what is going on around you, and no matter what others are feeling, you are truly more powerful than you've ever been. From this place you can truly shift the energy for others.
Be the example. Show others that it's possible to be happy no matter what. Send love and light to everyone (yes, everyone). Show people how powerful they are by seeing them in their highest vibration.
See your world filled with love, compassion, and unity. This is how you can single handedly change the world. This is your superpower. Use it and as you do, you will lead by example and the ripple effect will be more powerful than you can ever imagine.
We love you. We love you. We love you.
Enough (for now)
August 11, 2023
We are here. We are so happy to have this time with you today.
We love the Silence. The Silence gives us opportunities to connect with you, to guide you, and express our love for you.
Some humans are uncomfortable in silence. They are uneasy in moments of nothing to do, nothing to worry about, and nothing to accomplish. Most of these humans are the ones that push and pull and try to control the outcome. This is fine - there is never any judgment from our side. But we will say this is definitely the more difficult path. Every path will eventually lead you where you want to go (when where you truly want to go is PURE BLISS). Because at the end of the day, that is your only goal, to be happy. And when we say happy, we don't mean just the average run-of-the-mill happy day that puts you in a good mood. No, we mean pure joy, pure love, knock your socks off BLISS.
Maybe you've never experienced this type of ecstasy before, or if you have, maybe it was only for a brief moment in time. We are here to tell you that it is not only possible for you to live this way every single day, but you were actually meant to live this way. And you inherently know it. That's why it feels bad when you're not in alignment with Source Energy.
So, for those that are pushing and forcing and trying to manipulate the energy in order to achieve their goals, we say you will get there. It's just that it will take longer and be more difficult than necessary. It may take some people their entire lives to experience this type of joy. But for those who choose to enjoy the silence, feel for our connection, listen for our guidance, and learn to follow the energy, not only will they find their bliss sooner, but they will also find it more often, and they will stay there longer once they found it. They will also have a joyful experience getting there. You could say they'll “enjoy the journey”.
This choice is always yours, and again, there is never any judgment from our side.
But you came into this human experience to live a life of abundance, a life of joy, and a life of love. Don't let the everyday habits of your daily routine cause you to forget the truth of who you truly are. You are pure love being guided by pure love. We are one.
So please slow down and find the silence as often as you can. We promise we'll be there, waiting to light up your magical path that will lead you to pure bliss.
We love you. We love you. We love you.
Enough (for now)
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Now you can access your inner wisdom, align with Source, and transform your life as you learn to channel. Whether for personal clarity or a career in channeling, this course will guide you every step of the way.